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FAQ / Tech Library

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How do I login to our web site?
Click "Member Login" in the upper right of the page and enter login details.
How do I get a password or what if I forgot my password?
Click "Forgot Password" under the Login button in the Login Menu.
Where can I get information on upcoming events?
Upcoming events are listed on bottom right corner of the HOME page. Click on “EVENTS” in the menu for a complete listing.
How do I update the information in my online profile?
Login with the instructions above. Then click your Name in the upper right of the website. Click "Profile" to update your information.
Where is our Forum?
Login and use the Forum links under the "Member Resources" category of the menu.
How can I get pictures or event announcements onto the web site?
Click “CONTACT US” on the menu and send us an email.
How can I send an email to another member?
Login to the web site,  “Members Resources” / “Member Directory.” Search for the member and click on the email address under Contact Information.