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Delta ride to the Sac Auto Museum 2025

Delta to Sacramento Auto Museum ride

 It was a nice day for a ride, in the delta along Sacramento River on highways 84 and 160. Temperature in mid 50’s to start and maxed out in low 70’s. We had 4 riders assemble at Peets Coffee in Concord whom were then lead by Scott on Marsh creek road through to Brentwood, over the Antioch Bridge and up to Rio Vista. Our EN editor waited patiently along Deer Valley road to take some pictures of group as they went by and then became the group sweep. Due to a unforeseen issue with “Real McCoy” ferry the planned ride needed to be altered in route back over Rio Vista Bridge and up Highway 160 to the “Dinky Diner” in Clarksburg for lunch. We did arrive a few minutes earlier than the Dinky Diner opened for business but it was a good time to get off and stretch anyway. We were joined at Dinky Diner by Peter and Earl. The burgers obtain from Dinky Diner were very good. After lunch we proceeded up highway 160 , past Sutter Health Park, over the Tower Bridge and into the California Auto Museum for an afternoon of viewing vintage cars. Currently the featured display is a nice selection of Ford Mustangs. 



Since 1985, CCBR has provided social, recreational, and educational opportunities for riders who own and are interested in BMW Motorcycles. Individuals, couples and families are all welcome to share their interest in some part of the BMW Riding Experience with friends in the CCBR Community. 

Club Meetings

Our Club Meetings are held the second weekend of most months. Typical meetings last about two hours and include plenty of time to renew acquaintances, discuss upcoming CCBR activities, enjoy a raffle or listen to a speaker. 

Our Website

Our Web Site provides a Member Forum, Photos from CCBR events, member to member contact information, and an up-to-date Calendar of Events that includes both paved & dual sport rides, one & two day rides, and other activities & information of interest to the active BMW rider.

Our Newsletter

Our newsletter, the Exhaust Notes, is published monthly. Members can submit articles, place free classified ads, make announcements, enjoy ride reports and find riding companions.

What Else?

E-mail Announcement List; Library; Rider Benefit Fund; Charter Club #147 of the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America; Charter Club #203 of the BMW Riders Association International.